No Possible Anyway By: (Carl The Muse)


In the trash that is where I will lay

Let me be

You are the one that threw me away

Go ahead and walk away like you did the other day

Leave me here laying on the ground

Down flat on my face

You want the throne?

You want to come and take my home?

You want to take away everything and leave me on my own

You want to take my voice and leave me with no tone

You feel good about yourself?

The old king has been dethroned

And he has been disgraced

They have stabbed him in the back

And took his place

They are burning the monuments down

Every memory of him


The King?


Just call him


We took the king part away

Nothing is safe

We burnt down all he stood for

And broke his faith

He was never that strong anyway

He is gone

It is a new beginning today!

All things dark hearts

Wish that they could say

They can only dream of the day

That the light will run because night has come and stolen hope and faith away

No Possible Anyway By:  (Carl The Muse)


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